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Caffeine & me

impacts of excessive coffee

Feeling tired and looking for a quick energy boost, we reach for the caffeine without a second thought. Let’s take that second thought now and find out what impacts drinking excessive amounts of caffeine can have on us.

Addiction & Withdrawal Symptoms:

Studies suggest the addictive potential of caffeine comes from the dopamine kick it gives our brains. A growing tolerance to the effects of caffeine, means higher and higher doses are needed to replicate the same mood and energy boost we used to get from the previously lower amounts.

Withdrawal symptoms may then occur for those that are caffeine dependent and unable to have their caffeine ‘fix’. Common withdrawal symptoms include headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and low mood.

Effectively the temporary caffeine boosts may be leading to a cyclical chain of addiction and increased intake, bringing with it a host of negative implications.

Energy Levels:

Iron is important in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body. Not having enough iron in our diets can lead to tiredness and a lack of energy among other symptoms. Research indicates that drinking coffee alongside a meal, drastically reduces the amount of iron the body absorbs. If you often have a cup of coffee with a bite to eat, it could be affecting your iron absorption and, therefore, energy levels.

One study found that drinking a cup of coffee with a hamburger meal reduced iron absorption by 39%. Drinking tea, known to reduce iron absorption, with the same meal reduced iron absorption by 64%.

Fundamentally, the chemical properties in caffeine inhibit the uptake of essential vitamins and minerals. Therefore, to optimise your absorption rate of these essential nutrients, it may be best to avoid caffeine for an hour before and after consumption of nutritionally dense food.

Avoid caffeine for an hour before and after consumption of nutritionally dense food.


Several studies suggest that caffeine affects the bodies’ ability to absorb vitamin D. A growing body of research indicates that deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection.

High levels of caffeine have been scientifically linked with suppressed antibody production, our bodies natural response to protect us from infection. Overall, the higher the level of caffeine, the more it interfered with vitamin D absorption. This is due to the reduced expression of vitamin D receptors on osteoblasts in the body – the cells responsible for producing bone All of that essentially means, we become more prone to catching illnesses.

Bone Health:

Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption for bone growth and remodelling and thus directly impacting the health of our bones and teeth. The negative impact of caffeine on our bodies’ ability to absorb vitamin D, in turn affects calcium absorption, and thus affects the health of our bones and teeth, gradually making them weaker.

When it comes to teeth health, we also need to be aware that caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee contain tannin which get absorbed by the porous tooth enamel resulting in staining. To the surprise of many, tea produced the highest staining!

A meta-analysis carried out in 2012, where they considered a relative risk (RR) for an increment of one cup of coffee per day found that caffeine increased the overall risk of bone fractures.

Caffeine increased the overall risk of bone fractures.

Insomnia & Sleep Disruptions:

We use caffeine to give us a boost of energy during the day, but the effects of that boost can go on into the night affecting our sleeping patterns – which in turn affects our energy levels the next day – leading to, you guessed it, needing more caffeine to see us through the never-ending cycle.

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout our lives. During sleep, the body is working to support healthy brain function and maintaining physical health. Sleep deficiency is linked to many chronic health problems, including heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression. 

Keeping our caffeine intake low by swapping out a cup of coffee here and a builders tea there with a non-caffeinated drink, can benefit our health and lifestyle in a multitude of ways as demonstrated above.

Join the Revolution

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